North Coast Medical Training College | Look beyond the horizon

Rotary Club of Mtwapa

How do you describe the organization called “Rotary”? There are so many characteristics of a Rotary club as well as the activities of a million Rotarian’s. There are the features of service, inter nationality, fellowship, classifications of each vocation, development of goodwill and world understanding, the emphasis of high ethical standards, concern for other people and many more descriptive qualities.

Rotary clubs bring together dedicated individuals to exchange ideas, build relationships, and take action. NCMTC is proud to be in partnership with The Rotary club of mtwapa which has been on the forefront of strengthening the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy. The Rotary club supports education for children and adults in need within the kilifi county. The club has changed the lives of Children at different schools in kilifi county, by supplying utilities that are lacking to facilitate them better in learning. Example: Desks, building of classrooms, Re-painting of school blocks,supply of books to mention but afew.

The Rotary club of Mtwapa in collaboration with Rotary club of Chichester, UK, are proud to change the lives of the Children at Bodoi primary school in kilifi county by supplying them with Desks to facilitate them in better learning while sitting comfortably!!!

Rotary club of Mtwapa paint a block of classrooms at the Mtomondoni primary school. 

 NCMTC Proud to be part of this Rotary Club who’s goal is to bring change in the community.
Remember: ‘When you teach somebody how to read, they have that for a lifetime. It ripples through the community, one by one’. 

North Coast Medical Training College | Look beyond the horizon