North Coast Medical Training College | Look beyond the horizon

"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest".
Learning at North Coast

E-learning in NCMTC

North Coast has a long history of e-learning. Since its inception in 2012, it has always applied a blended approach to training (Face to face and e-learning). 2018 was a turning point when North Coast decided to deepen e-learning by acquiring a bigger server, installing a fibre optic line, to assure stable internet connectivity and bought user rights from m-elimu Edutech company. Little did we know then, that COVID-19 was to come. Come March 19th 2020 when the government directed the closure of all educational institutions; for us it was a switch of a button to e-learning full time. Our students have not lost any curriculum time and we are hopeful that once the situation normalizes we will complete various courses almost on time.

Skills Lab

The truth of the matter is that, there can be no competency based training without a well equipped skills lab. A skills lab has a special place in medical training. It is a patient-free learning environment where students practice various clinical skills on human-like models (Mannequins); or using simulated patients. It is the only place where students are allowed to make mistakes, without risks to real patients; and eventually learn from those mistakes. It is the only morally and ethically acceptable way of training health workers because it upholds human dignity and rights in various positive ways, for example: no human being should be used as a guinea pig to practice on by novice or amateurish learners, it is immoral and inhuman. Secondly, students learn better when they know they do not run a risk of injuring patients and therefore, they become more competent when they practice on human-like models before they apply learnt skills on real patients.
North Coast is known as the home of skills lab. Its Directors introduced the training methodology in Kenya in the year 2000.

Welcome to North Coast, if you mind quality competency based education, and not just any training.

Practical Attachment

North Coast’s mission is to train globally competent health workers who can meet the high standards required in the private sector and even more, in developed countries like Europe, the United States and Australia, New Zealand and others. For that matter, we attach students in selected private hospitals and a few public hospitals that meet the standards of our training.

If you’re interested in working abroad, Click on your preferred course and apply for a chance to join one of the best Medical College!

North Coast Medical Training College | Look beyond the horizon