North Coast Medical Training College | Look beyond the horizon

Rethinking County Health Sector Public Private Partnerships: Forum Conference 2022

9 Jun @ 8:30 am to 5:00 pm by North Coast MTC in Collaboration with Pwani University & NUFFIC

A Robust Framework for Sustainability

County governments have the primary mandate for delivering access to universal health care among citizens. However, they face two major limitations, first the financial constraints occasioned by the inadequacy of funding to meet the ever growing need and demand for health in the context of an increasing population and disease burden. Secondly and more critical is the absence of competitiveness,
innovativeness and entrepreneurial culture in public sector as manifested by recurring inefficiencies and liabilities in government undertakings. In response to this resource gap, Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs) have emerged as popular initiatives by governments to improve service delivery and realize infrastructural development. The idea was, and still is, that by intensive cooperation between public and private actors, better and more innovative services and policy outputs can be realized for
lower costs.
This is just a snippet of what the Forum will entail, therefore SAVE THE DATE

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North Coast Medical Training College | Look beyond the horizon